28/07 Panel «The Myth of Cuban Health»

Panel «The Myth of Cuban Health»

Date: July 28, 2021

Fundación Internacional Bases will be conducting an online event with Prisoners Defenders about Cuba’s socialist healthcare system. The speakers will debunk the main myths that seek to cover up the reality of its medical systems’ actual conditions, the manipulation of its statistics and the slave system behind its medical missions abroad.
The conversation will include the participation of Franco Martín López from Fundación Bases, Javier Larrondo of Prisoners Defenders and Dr. Emilio Arteaga, the latter with first-hand experience and knowledge about the slave missions of Cuban doctors.

Also, during the event, the new publication of Fundación Bases: «The Myth of Cuban Health», will be presented. The document, which seeks to reveal the main myths that seek to cover up the reality of the Cuban medical system, is available in Spanish and now, thanks to the collaboration of the Foundation in Memory of the Victims of Communism, also in English, both at Fundación Bases’ website.

Access the report here


Franco Martín López: Executive Director of Fundación Internacional Bases. He has published several studies on urban issues from a liberal perspective. As an architect, he has given several lectures and published articles on spontaneous urbanism in Latin America, Europe and the United States. He has recently published his first libertarian-themed novel, ¨La última frontera¨, a finalist for the Nadal Prize in Barcelona. Franco holds a diploma in Municipal Management and is currently writing his Master’s thesis in Urban Economics and his final work as a Specialist in Infrastructure Policy and Management.

Javier Larrondo: He began his career managing the Internet services that operators such as Vodafone or Ono implemented in Spain. Later he founded and launched different digital businesses, such as eInforma, which he managed until its maturity. He then served as CEO of DAD (Digital Assets Deployment), a venture capital fund specialized in digital businesses, until 2015. Until 2018 he was CMO and CDO of the multinational Northgate, a leader in flexible vehicle leasing in Spain and Europe, and is CEO of Real Time Ad, a company that advises companies on the development of their digital strategy. At the age of 22, as a composer and promoter, he created the project «Cuba Canta Libertad», whose song «El Buen Cubano» he sang with Celia Cruz. In 2010 and 2011 he collaborated hand in hand with Oswaldo Payá, as well as that same 2011 he helped found UNPACU together with José Daniel Ferrer, taking responsibility for the Representation for the European Union. He is founder and President of Prisoners Defenders. He studied Forestry Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering, both at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He holds an official degree in Administrative and Financial Management of International Trade.

Dr. Emilio Arteaga: Graduated with a Gold Degree, Exceptional Performance Category from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas. Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Camagüey. Graduate Specialist in Psychiatry at Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital, Calixto Garcia Faculty. University Professor at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana. Head of the Crisis Intervention Unit of the Psychiatry Service of that Health Institution. Graduated in Systemic Family Therapy at the Marmur Institute. Professor of the Sexual Health Module in the Master’s Degree in Pedagogy for Sexuality at the Enrique José Varona University of Education Sciences. He has worked in International Medical Collaboration in Bolivia, Angola and Namibia.

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