
Competition Encourages You To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

Competition isn’t our enemy. It’s not a destabilizing force within society. On the contrary, competition helps each and every one of us to achieve our best. Although this may sound strange, competing against somebody is also cooperating with them. How so? Well, being in competition with someone forces you to give your best. Current professional Leer más......
person in black pants lying on blue textile

The Crisis in Venezuela — 9 Postcards from Hell

Venezuela is living a humanitarian tragedy. Which was once the richest country in Latin America suffers today a terminal crisis. Victim of the socialist policies of the Chavista regime, Venezuela has become a serious warning for all countries that flirted with populism, violation of the rule of law and private property. Below, nine postcards from the Venezuelan Leer más......

Mean Neoliberals Launch Campaign Against Communist Saint

Rosario is Argentina’s second-largest city. Located by the Paraná river, it is the home of hard-working people, a busy port, the national flag memorial, and the country’s bitterest football rivalry between Rosario Central and Newell’s Old Boys. Unfortunately, it is also the birthplace of Ernesto “Ché” Guevara. In the last fifteen years or so, coincidentally Leer más......
Flag of Greece waving at pole at Santorino, Greece

Greece: Populism has already failed and Tsipras is doomed

It is said that when Juan Domingo Perón arrived in power in Argentina in 1946, one of the first things he did was to visit the central bank. Afterward, he would claim that “there’s so much gold that one can’t walk through the hallways.” Perón is not only the first ruler we call populist but also the Leer más......

A Case of Unproductive Economic Freedom?

The last talk I gave during the Free Market Road Show was, naturally, in the last city we visited this year. Namely, Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. My speech here was quite different from others I gave throughout the Road Show. The focus was on taxes, but more specifically on how taxes and economic freedom interplay. Roughly Leer más......

Argentina’s Empirical Contribution to Monetary Theory…

One of the most groundbreaking ideas of Friedrich von Hayek and the Austrian School of Economics is free banking. By this, they mean a system in which money would be privately offered by certain institutions and different currencies would compete for the favour of the consumer. The Austrians believe that a free banking system would Leer más......

Farewell to an Apostle of Liberty

Recently and unexpectedly, Juan Carlos Cachanosky (1953–2015) left this world. I have always thought that he was, by far, the best and brightest Austrian economist of the Spanish speaking world. And above all, he was an apostle of Liberty. After graduating in Economics at the Catholic University of Argentina, Juan Carlos went to the United Leer más......

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