Innovation, Politicians, and Regulation: How to Make the Perfect Cocktail?

man pouring drink

We tend to think of innovation as closely related to original invention or fits of genius. However, as Matt Ridley explains, innovation is not the same as invention, although invention and technology are often part of it. Incredible technical inventions are one thing, but what innovators specifically do is find practical applications for these inventions and […]

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People Want More Innovation in Latin America — Survey

Bogotá, Buenos Aires, México DF, São Paulo, Santiago de Chile — In the largest ever independent survey on the public’s attitude towards innovation in Latin America, new research from Somos Innovación uncovers why innovation plays such an important role in people’s lives, both locally and nationally. According to a poll of over 5,000 people in Argentina, Brazil, […]

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The Latin American Innovation Gap No One Talks About

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The innovation scene in Latin America shows two faces that couldn’t be more different from each other. I think the following three examples help us to explain what I see: Just a year ago, a group of Chilean Senators proposed a bill called “decent digital employment.” It was intended to establish a rather traditional labor […]

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