From Tobacco Control to Vape Control: A Deadly Leap

In Santa Fe (Argentina), the Legislature is currently discussing a bill to reform the Provincial Tobacco Control Program. It is undoubtedly commendable that the Santa Fe Congress is getting involved in the smoking issue. As we all know, millions of people worldwide are affected by this scourge, and exploring ways to offer them solutions to improve their lives […]

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Anti-Vaccine and Anti-Vaping: Against Science and Innovation


Among the many problems originated by the Covid 19 pandemic, one of the most important is the resurgence of the anti-vaccine movement. Conspiracy theories, ridiculous arguments and unfounded accusations have given renewed fuel to one of the most anti-scientific and destructive trends we have ever seen. The nefarious contemporary anti-vaccine movement originated at the behest […]

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What’s Behind Michael Bloomberg’s Vaping-phobia?

white and red do not enter signage

Multimillionaire Michael Bloomberg has been leading a fanatical crusade in favor of “healthy lifestyle” for years. One of the most tragicomic points of his crusade was the attempt, when he was mayor of New York, to ban jumbo-sized sugary soft drinks. The proposal, which was eventually rejected by the courts, sought to limit the size of soft drinks […]

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